Birth doula support in Norfolk

Increase your chances of a safe and satisfying birth

Compassionate, unconditional support & companionship as you grow your family your way

Photo of mum holding newborn baby

I’m Maddie, a doula in Norfolk

After 24 years of parenting and 21 years working as a doula there aren’t many situations I haven’t seen so I recognise the struggles and uncertainties of new parenthood. 

As your guide I am here to work with you, building a relationship of trust as we travel together through your pregnancy and through the early weeks with your baby.

Photo of Maddie smiling and looking at camera

It’s easy to get doula support

My birth doula package

I live in Sheringham, North Norfolk and am happy to drive for up to an hour to you. I do homebirths and hospital births
I often work with another doula to provide shared care

  • At least 3 antenatal planning sessions and unlimited phone contact during your pregnancy
  • On call 24/7 from around 38 weeks
  • Birth attendance
  • 1 to 2 postnatal visits depending on your needs
  • Birth doula

    £600 is paid at the start as a retainer and the balance paid at or before the postnatal visit

    Get started now
  • Other services

    I have various other services to help support new & expectant parents 

    See my other services

A note about fees:

I’m happy to be paid in instalments.

Money is a necessary evil. I need it, to care for myself and my family. However, if I wanted to be swimming in the stuff, I’d go do something else! I try not to let money get in the way of me supporting a family who I feel a real affinity for, so if you are concerned about my fees, talk to me. We can usually find a way.

I have been paid in so many ways over the years so am definitely open to being paid or part-paid in kind, as well as cash. So if you or your partner have a skill or service you can share, let me know!

Likewise, if, after you have been ‘doulaed’ you think I’m a bargain, please don’t buy me flowers. You are very welcome to pay me more if you want to show your appreciation, or you think I’m cheap at double the price, or you want others, less fortunate than you, to be able to benefit from doula support – whatever the reason, your gift is appreciated, received with love and used to help those in need.

Remember that Doula UK also has a voucher scheme, so friends and family can buy you doula support and if you are in receipt of state benefits, Doula UK also has an Access Fund

Shared care doula support

These days when I am supporting a family through pregnancy and birth I tend to work shared care. I am happy to talk to you about why this is. 

Shared care is a way that doulas work together to bring our complementary skills and experience to the table.

The two of us attend every antenatal appointment together (which means that you get the knowledge, wisdom and experience of us both) and you get to know us well, so that when you call us in labour, you are guaranteed to be supported by someone who you trust and with whom you have developed a relationship.

If we are both free when you are in labour, and you choose to do so, then we can also both come to support you during your labour and birth. It also means that, should you have a long labour, we can “tag team” and you can get a “fresh” doula to support you.

It also means that, after the baby is born, you find you need some postnatal support, you may already know two postnatal doulas!

The fee for shared care is the same as hiring one doula.

You may, however, need or prefer two doulas that can both commit to being at your birth – for our particular skills or because you have additional needs. We are happy to work out a price for this that isn’t double the price of one.

It can be complicated and confusing to understand shared care – so do talk to me if you need clarification!

Fill out this form to get things moving and check dates

Let me know your contact details and the your estimated due date and any other relevant information and I’ll reply to arrange a phone chat.